“Understanding the world around you is key, using math, science and physics will allow you to create your own reality.”
Mitchell E. Faulkner II, CEO & Founder
Masondogg Academy of Technologies is a spawn of the primary company Masondogg Studios, LLC which was founded in 2016. The company’s main focus was to design and develop video games which we achieved. The next goal was to bring that knowledge and experience to the masses in the form of educational videos and teaching classes. Masondogg AoT is the result of those efforts and now we are here to share and bring these skills directly to you, our students.
Masondogg AoT’s primary goal and focus is to put a dent in the universe by making learning fun and engaging. Somehow, we have we as a civilization has lost the drive to properly educate our youth and prepare them for adult hood in the real world. Masondogg AoT hopes to be the bridge to that gap of knowledge, skills and abilities and allow all students to reach their true potential.